Getting the best truck for the best price isn’t the only skill needed by procurement professionals in today’s commercial trucking industry.
Managers in charge of procurement and purchasing should have the world view of an economist, commodities expert, seer, mediator, public relations consultant and more, said David Nitzsche, Senior Vice President for AmeriQuest Business Services, said in a recent blog post.
“You need to look very closely at current economic conditions and base purchasing on factors that include price, brand, spend distribution, raw materials, and prevailing market trends,” says Nitzsche. “Simply put, when the economy is tight or in uncomfortable flux, you should be placing short-term spot buys. When the economy is good, you have the luxury of planning far out and thereby making long-term purchases.”
The blog points to six key areas that every purchasing expert should address: Market Trends; Raw Materials Indexing; Distribution Channel; Outsourcing Options; Networking Opportunities with Peers; and Collaborative Relationships with Suppliers.
Nitzsche’s blog outlines questions that must be answered before purchasing decisions are made, why the world economy should be taken into consideration, and the advantages of taking a new approach to what used to be a straightforward task.
To view the entire blog, click here.