You need a combination of tactics to attract drivers

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Although driver availability has improved in recent years, the driver shortage remains an ongoing challenge. The degree of success fleets have in finding qualified drivers varies significantly based on several factors including location, compensation, hours and routes. These elements are top priorities for drivers and in many cases are non-negotiable. 

Local driving positions are easier to fill as they attract more candidates than do longer regional routes. The declining interest in driving longer regional routes, coupled with the pervasive negative perception of truck driving as a career, hamper recruiting efforts.

Obviously, trucking is not a career for everyone, but people who have had an unfavorable experience in the industry often amplify their dissatisfaction. This further shapes public opinion and prevents some people from applying for trucking jobs.  One potential way to offset this issue is to encourage your drivers who are satisfied with their career choice to tout the benefits of the trucking industry on social media. Post driver testimonials on your website for potential job candidates to see.

In recent years, Transervice has taken steps to improve its hiring procedures by streamlining the application process and accommodating individuals with varying levels of technical proficiency. We have developed a dedicated website for prospective and new employees, allowing them to complete the application process with just a few clicks. Human resource professionals have found that simplifying the application process results in more people completing your job application.

Social media has proven to be a highly effective tool for identifying potential driver candidates. For example, there are a number of Facebook groups that cater specifically to CDL drivers who are seeking employment. There also are city-specific job boards that serve as valuable resources for recruiting efforts.

For Transervice, our data indicates that Indeed remains the most impactful platform for driver recruitment, but this might not be true for all fleets. It is important to track where job leads as well as successful hires are coming from so you can allocate resources to the outlets that are working best for your fleet.

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When recruiting drivers, be aware that driver wages are on the rise across most major transportation companies. So, if you want to attract drivers you need to be prepared to pay competitive wages.

Yet competitive wages are not the only thing drivers are looking for when seeking employment. A healthy work-life balance is a priority for many drivers today. Beyond competitive wages, drivers place a high value on stability and balance in their careers. Drivers also prioritize the quality and reliability of the equipment they operate. Fleets need to make sure they continue to invest in new technology and ensure that all their assets — regardless of age — are well maintained.

Good, qualified drivers are out there. However, attracting them to your fleet takes a combination of looking in the right places, streamlining the application process, offering competitive wages and making it easy for them to enjoy a good work-life balance.