Nissan Diesel America announces Road Ready program

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Nissan Diesel America has announced a rapid delivery program for light-duty van body-equipped UD Trucks.

The program, developed in cooperation with van body manufacturer American Cargo, offers 10-day completion times and expedited delivery to UD Trucks dealers in the Midwest, Northeast and Southeast U.S. regions.

“This arrangement will help UD Trucks dealers increase sales of our Class 3 and Class 4 vehicles,” says Dayle Wetherell, NDA’s senior vice president and general manager. “The quick turnaround time will allow our dealers to better serve the customer who can’t wait a month or more to put an additional truck on the street.”

To facilitate the program, NDA is shipping a supply of UD1300 and UD1400 chassis to American Cargo, allowing the body manufacturer to have completed units ready for shipment in 10 business days.

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