Customers purchasing Thermo King’s 2005 truck units with Tier 2 engines are assured of EPA compliance until 2016 and beyond, the company says.
As of January 2005, the Environmental Protection Agency is requiring transport refrigeration unit manufacturers to begin using Tier 2 lower-emission engines in truck units.
Minneapolis-based Thermo King, a manufacturer of transport temperature control systems, requested a brief extension on the EPA deadline so that it could introduce new truck reefer engines that not only would satisfy the EPA’s Tier 2 emission requirements, but also its 2008 Interim Tier 4 emission requirements.
There have been no further EPA regulations for engines in this horsepower class (less than 25 hp) beyond the Interim Tier 4 regulation, resulting in Thermo King’s assurance of EPA compliance until 2016 and beyond.
“All diesel-powered truck units will transition to Tier 2 engines with installation beginning this fall at our Hastings, Nebraska plant,” said Tim Ryan, director of product management truck solutions for Thermo King’s American operations. “These new engines also meet an outstanding Thermo King request for additional horsepower in the two- and three-cylinder package.”
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