J.J. Keller & Associates recently added six new training programs to its “Master Driver” series, bringing the series total to 12 programs. These programs are designed to motivate drivers to improve their skills in routine and emergency situations, and achieve a new level of professional excellence.
Each program is anchored by a video with attention-grabbing scenarios, on-camera narration, dynamic graphics and a high-energy soundtrack. The videos also incorporate Keller’s exclusive “Hazard Perception Challenge” style scenarios that challenge drivers to recognize danger while there’s time to react, as well as eye-opening “Road Wise” comments from experienced industry professionals that provide a real-world perspective on each program’s specific topic.
Along with the video, each program includes a trainer’s bulletin that provides background information on the topic, an overview of the video, training techniques, a 5-question quiz and a driver handout exercise. Each also includes enough skill cards for 10 drivers, and one for the trainer. These cards reinforce the corresponding video’s message and feature a tear-off receipt to document training. Extra skill cards to train additional drivers are available separately.
All six training programs are available in DVD and VHS formats. The DVD features an expanded 10-question, narrated quiz with video remediation; additional “Road Wise” comments; a narrated, graphic-supported review and checklist; and additional hazard perception scenarios related to the topic.
J. J. Keller & Associates of Neenah, Wis. is a specialized publisher and services provider. Founded in 1953, the company offers a wide spectrum of ready-made and custom safety and regulatory compliance products to customers throughout North America. Keller helps customers in industries such as transportation, utility, construction, manufacturing and food processing comply with DOT, OSHA, EPA, DOL, FDA and USDA requirements. The company’s diverse product line includes technical publications; computer software; video-based, online and CD-ROM training programs; and specialized forms and supplies.
Keller also provides safety consulting, on-site training and a variety of transportation services, including licensing, permitting, fuel tax reporting, driver log auditing and driver qualification file management.
For more information, go to www.jjkeller.com.