The Freight Transportation Services Index fell 0.6 percent in July to 111.9 from the June level of 112.6, the second consecutive monthly decline, according to the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Bureau of Transportation Statistics.
BTS, a part of DOT’s Research and Innovative Technology Administration, reported that during the six-month period ending in July, the Freight TSI has fallen 0.9 percent. However, the July level of 111.9 was 0.9 percent higher than the July 2004 level of 110.9.
TSI is a single seasonally adjusted index of the month-to-month changes in the output of services provided by the for-hire transportation industries, including railroad, air, truck, inland waterways, pipeline and local transit. The index includes historic data from 1990 to the present.
The TSI remains under development and is considered experimental. The index measures changes from the monthly average of the base year of 2000.