TNT Logistics raises $342,000 for WFP

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TNT Logistics North America raised $342,000 in the United States, Canada and Mexico for the World Food Programme during 2005. The money, which was collected as part of a series of fund-raising initiatives undertaken by TNT employees, is one-third higher than the amount raised in 2004. In the past three years, TNT Logistics North America has raised more than $750,000 for WFP.

The funds were earmarked for WFP’s Global School Feeding Campaign, which has been able to demonstrate the value of tying nutrition with education and health, producing long-term benefits for pupils, their families and the communities where they live. In 2004, WFP — the United Nations’ frontline agency in the fight against global hunger — fed 113 million people in 80 countries, including most of the world’s refugees and internally displaced people.

For more information on WFP, visit