Classic Carriers merges with Crown Jewels

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Classic Carriers, a Waterville, Maine-based trucking company, has merged with Crown Jewels, a produce marketing and transportation corporation based in Chelsea, Mass., to form Crown Freight, according to Ray Veilleux, founder of Classic Carriers.

Veilleux says the blended operation will be able to offer a food wholesaler 50 truckloads a week from the West Coast. All dispatch, administration and customer service functions will be handled at Crown offices in Chelsea, says Veilleux, whose new title is operations and sales manager.

Classic Carriers was formed in 1994 and has 25 company-owned and leased tractor-trailers. Crown Jewels has hauled produce mostly from the West Coast, also in leased trucks. “The purpose of forming Crown Freight is having a company private fleet, and we’re going to grow from that,” Veilleux told “We’re going to grow from 25 to 50 (tractor-trailers) within six months.”