ALK Technologies’ MVS supports multiple PC*Miler versions

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ALK Technologies has introduced a software solution to support multiple versions of its PC*Miler routing, mileage and mapping product on one server or on several different servers simultaneously. ALK’s Multi-Version Switch supports PC*Miler 14 through the upcoming release of PC*Miler 20, and it’s also compatible with the company’s exact toll cost calculation software, ALK|FleetSuite Tolls. ALK says its MVS enables transportation, logistics and manufacturing companies to maintain two or more versions of PC*Miler software on a single computer or network server, including the most recent version, PC*Miler 19.1.

“When we release an annual or quarterly update to PC*Miler, that version does not have to replace previous versions,” says Cal Rogers, business development manager for Princeton, N.J.-based ALK. “We understand that superseding software versions can cause problems, especially where a contract refers to a specific previous PC*Miler release. The MVS tool enables customers to employ multiple versions of PC*Miler, particularly older versions, until they are no longer needed.”

According to ALK, MVS and the multiple PC*Miler versions it enables can simplify billing and bid preparation for motor carriers with shipper contracts that refer to specific PC*Miler versions. MVS — which runs in a Windows environment and on IBM AS/400 (iSeries) midrange computers — is an advanced function of PC*Miler|Connect, integration software that interfaces PC*Miler routing and mileage with other transportation and logistics management software systems.

ALK’s MVS integration partner, Cass Information Systems, is a provider of freight invoice payment, audit and rating services. “Ratemaker is Cass’ rating application that securely stores, maintains and retrieves all rates and charges,” says Jim Dwyer, vice president of Ratemaker at Cass. “Ratemaker is fully integrated with the Cass Payment System and performs rating to support accrual, auto-payment and pre-audit functions.

“MVS enables our Ratemaker application to seamlessly access all versions of PC*Miler according to the needs of our large, diverse customer base,” Dwyer says. “MVS allows all versions of PC*Miler to run concurrently on a single server. With MVS, it is very easy to select the desired version of PC*Miler to accurately rate our customers’ shipment information. Quality and accuracy is a hallmark of Cass’ services, and MVS supports that commitment to the market.”