A recent federal motor carrier safety report provides no updated information on fatalities and injuries, but indicates improvement in areas such as new entrant safety audits. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration report, issued Feb. 17, did not address 2005 truck fatalities and injuries, information supplied by the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration and Federal Highway Administration.
Among the findings:
Officials made 7,998 enforcement reviews in ’05, the FMCSA reported, 361 more than the previous year. Meanwhile, 4,593 state compliance reviews were conducted, 848 more than in ’04.
The number of unsatisfactory or out-of-service orders increased from 415 to 596, while roadside truck inspections increased 1,153 to 2,950,640.
The number of enforcement cases initiated dropped, from 5,192 in ’04 to 4,427 in ’05.
The total number of new entrant safety audits increased from 25,316 to 34,121.
The average time to upload a crash to the FMCSA database improved from 84 to 57 days.