The American Trucking Associations and Wabash National Corporation, a manufacturer of semi-truck trailers, has announced that Wabash National had made a commitment of long-term funding for the new ATA national truck driver recruitment advertising and training campaign. The agreement, initiated by Wabash National, enables the trailer manufacturer to directly assist its motor carrier customers in seeking solutions for the shortage of qualified truck drivers.
“We’re more than just a supplier to the trucking industry,” says Bill Greubel, chief executive officer of Lafayette, Ind.-based Wabash National. “We have always focused on helping to improve the trucking industry by offering innovative solutions, and we feel the need to do more than business-as-usual in this case. By helping to fund this specific program, we hope to make a positive difference.”
Wabash National will also continue its support of the trucking industry’s “Good Stuff, Trucks Bring It” national image campaign. Already, Wabash National provides Good Stuff trailer decals as a free option for its customers.
“We appreciate the support of Wabash National,” says Bill Graves, ATA president and CEO. “A source of sustained funding for the driver campaign is important to its success. And, at Wabash’s invitation, the door is open for other trailer manufacturers to sign on.”
ATA anticipates its truck driver recruitment project to be up and running in mid-spring. It will include a matching funds program for state trucking association driver recruitment ad campaigns, a trucking jobs website and other advertising materials that can be adapted by motor carriers to meet their individual needs.