Express delivery and logistics company DHL and Mobitrac Inc., a provider of Transportation Execution Systems (TES), announced today, April 5 that DHL has deployed Mobitrac’s Dynamic Area Planner to power its new Route Optimization Program.
DHL announced that the initiative will help DHL facilities map out optimum delivery routes, streamline sorting processes and balance daily loads more efficiently. When complete, DHL says the program will provide DHL company operations nationwide with even greater operational efficiencies, and DHL customers with an enhanced customer service experience.
Mobitrac’s Web-based platform enables DHL managers to assess and develop optimized routes that ensure consistent composition of courier delivery areas. The dynamic, on-demand solution also provides DHL managers with the information they need to evaluate each facility’s day-to-day schedule performance, optimize yield management, reduce planning time and ensure routes are constructed to flex with customer demand.
These powerful new capabilities enable DHL to create and dynamically adjust work areas in its express delivery business, says Fred Beljaars, executive vice president for operations at DHL Americas. “Mobitrac’s straightforward data integration and broad set of tools has allowed us to produce rapidly actionable information,” he says.
Mobitrac’s Dynamic Area Planner is designed to help transportation companies reduce “area planning” optimization time from weeks, or even months, to as little as a day. Mobitrac’s Transportation Execution Platform is comprised of a suite of modular services that can be integrated simply and easily in a fleet’s current IT infrastructure. Each module can work alone or together to ensure the precise level of functionality required to meet a shipper or carrier’s unique needs, the company says.