iKarma joins HRInterchange to establish drivers’ good names

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iKarma.com and HRInterchange, also known as MyTruckJob.com, have announced an integration and marketing partnership designed to bring reputation-enhanced employment solutions to the U.S. trucking industry. iKarma will integrate its online reputation management system into the trucking industry job boards operated by MyTruckJob.com.

“The trucking business has always been a thought leader,” says Stan Johnsen, president of HRInterchange. “Satellite communications, cell phones, voice mail and EDI are good examples, and the Web opens many new areas for innovation. We think online references and reputation can help our industry do better business. Applying iKarma reputation management to our employment platforms will streamline decision making for everyone.”

According to the U.S. Labor Department, there are about 1.4 million commercial truckers in the United States. “But growth, retirement demographics and new legislation that limits hours of service have combined to created a talent shortage,” Johnsen says. “Every truck that sits idle costs serious money. Good drivers are in strong demand.”

“iKarma will enable trucking companies that pay on time and treat their drivers well to showcase their reputations and attract the best drivers,” says Paul Williams of Jupiter, Fla.-based iKarma. “Likewise, good drivers will be able to command higher pay and better benefits by displaying references and testimonials to their reliability, safety and performance. With driver pay often topping six figures, and trucks filled with million-dollar payloads requiring just-in-time delivery, both drivers and trucking firms have much to gain by leveraging the value of their respective reputations.”

“We look forward to introducing iKarma.com to the 1.4 million commercially licensed truckers in the U.S., as well as the estimated 10 million people connected to the industry as a whole,” adds Johnsen.

“And our team here at iKarma look forward to helping HRInterchange grow and expand,” adds Williams. “We all benefit when the best drivers get hired by the best-run firms. Transport efficiency affects the prices of everything we all buy or sell.”