TSA to open competition for transportation worker ID

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The day after it formally proposed a transportation worker identification card (TWIC), the Transportation Security Administration announced a revised procurement process to provide integrated security for the nation’s seaports. TSA said it will conduct a full and open competition for one integrated solution for all aspects of the TWIC implementation.

TSA plans to issue a new solicitation soon for TWIC enrollment services and the operations of the data management system, including system maintenance. The agency said this move will streamline contracting and implementation by identifying a single party as the lead in ensuring that all the pieces fit together into an effective, integrated security process.

“We have looked at the entire picture and the quickest and best implementation of TWIC will be achieved through one integrated enrollment and data integration process,” said Assistant Secretary Kip Hawley of TSA. “Working with the Coast Guard and our industry partners, TSA expects that the TWIC process will be underway this year.”