IdleAire announced that it passed 7 million hours of cumulative service to fleets and drivers on Monday, July 10. That translates into more than 74,000 metric tons of diesel emissions eliminated and 7 million gallons of fuel conserved, according to the company.
“Our current expansion into the large, busy truck stop locations across the country is having quite an impact on use, as we expected,” says Lynn Youngs, IdleAire executive vice president. “With the recent opening of new sites in Arkansas, California, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas and Virginia, our previously announced expansion is well under way, and we’ll continue to open new locations every week.”
Youngs says fleets are responding to the expansion by directing their drivers to IdleAire sites, as the sites are becoming more and more accessible along key freight corridors. The company installs, operates and maintains the system and shares revenue with the location owner; IdleAire plans to build a total of about 210 new locations by the second quarter of 2007.
The IdleAire Advanced Truckstop Electrification system is designed to provide each truck cab not only with filtered central heating and air conditioning, but also with electrical outlets and a range of communications, training and entertainment options; the only truck retrofit required is a $10 window adapter available from IdleAire. Signed fleets pay $1.85 per hour for their drivers to use the system; the fleets, in turn, save on fuel, maintenance and engine wear, while offering a driver benefit that can help reduce turnover and assist in recruitment, IdleAire says.