FMCSA nominee clears Senate panel

The Senate Commerce Committee on July 19 approved the nomination of John Hill to be administrator of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, replacing Annette Sandberg, who left the agency in March. Hill has been FMCSA assistant administrator and chief safety officer since June 2003. The full Senate still must consider Hill’s nomination.

Before joining FMCSA, Hill was a member of the Indiana State Police from 1974 to 2003, including a stint as commercial vehicle enforcement commander from 1989 to 1994 and from 2000 to 2003. He also worked on several national committees concerning transportation-related issues. In 1991 he served on the Commercial Vehicle Information Systems (CVIS) Committee and later worked on the American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators’ Task Force for Identification Security.

To view the June 8 Senate Commerce Committee hearing on Hill’s nomination in RealAudio, click here.