While attending the Great American Trucking Show in Dallas, Chevron is offering attendees the opportunity to learn the latest technical information on API CJ-4 in 2007 and legacy engines. A free seminar, “How to Optimize Performance with the New API CJ-4,” will be held Thursday, Aug. 24, from 10 a.m. to noon at the Dallas Convention Center, room 167.
The seminar features industry expert Jim McGeehan, chairman of the ASTM Heavy Duty Engine Oil Classification panel, and Chevron’s global manager of diesel engine oil technology and SAE fellow. Attendees will learn more about benefits in wear reduction, how to maximize DPF life, and how soot handling and oxidation resistance can help optimize performance. Attendees also will be able to ask questions about fleet performance and maintenance.
To reserve a seat, click here. To learn more about the Great American Trucking Show, which will be held Aug. 24-26 at the Convention Center, go to www.gatsonline.com.