America’s 3.24 million truck drivers will receive a nationwide pat on the back for their work in moving freight across the country as part of the 11th annual National Truck Driver Appreciation Week, set for Aug. 20-26. During the annual celebration, the nation’s motor carriers, state trucking associations and trucking industry manufacturers and suppliers will honor drivers in various ways, including million-mile and safety awards, cash bonuses or gifts, an extra paid holiday or company picnics.
In the past, many companies have had office personnel, driver managers and executives wash drivers’ trucks and ride along with them on the road, while others have sent drivers a daily message of appreciation over their mobile communications equipment or had sales on truck parts and accessories. In addition, many governors have issued official proclamations designating the week as Truck Driver Appreciation Week in their respective states.
“Our drivers are the greatest there are, so we really enjoy preparing for Driver Appreciation Week,” says Ken Wieck, CTL’s director of human resources and driver recruiting. “We always get a great response, and each year gets better. Of course, when you truly appreciate your drivers, it shows no matter what week it is. I think a driver’s sense of being appreciated plays a big part in whether he or she will decide to stay with a company — or move on.”
Carriers and others are encouraged to share their National Truck Driver Appreciation Week celebration plans at