Detroit Diesel Corp. says it has performed the first in-use emissions tests on its Series 60 heavy-duty diesel engine, and that results from the tests indicate that the engine is in good standing with the Environmental Protection Agency standards. The company recently worked with an in-service truck and driver to evaluate the in-use emissions coming from a 2004 Series 60 engine.
Using a portable emissions measurement system installed on the vehicle, an engineer measured gaseous exhaust emissions while the customer driver drove his normally scheduled delivery route. The test, Detroit Diesel says, demonstrated that emissions standards could be met under real-world driving conditions.
According to Glenn Lysinger, the company’s chief compliance officer, test results showed that the engine, which had accumulated more than 360,000 miles before the testing was conducted, still was well within the federal regulations and required no preparation prior to testing outside of its regularly scheduled maintenance.
The EPA mandates that emissions standards be demonstrated over the useful life of the engine, which is 435,000 miles for heavy-duty diesel engines. The EPA-mandated in-use emissions testing requirements include a pilot phase of testing, followed by a compliance phase beginning in 2007 for on-highway engines.