For the first time in a month, the national average price for a gallon of diesel has dropped below $3. For the week ending Monday, Sept. 4, the Labor Day holiday, truckers paid $2.967 per gallon, 6 cents less than in the week before, the U.S. Department of Energy reported.
All U.S. regions enjoyed decreases. The Midwest led the pack with a roughly 9-cent drop to $2.937 per gallon. The Rocky Mountains saw the slightest decrease, a .028-cent drop from last week. Drivers in that region still are paying the most for diesel, at $3.318 per gallon.
This was the first average per-gallon diesel price below $3 since it jumped to $3.06 for the week ending Aug. 6. Still, the price was roughly 69 cents more than in the same week last year. For state-by state diesel prices, updated daily, click here.