East Manufacturing redesigns tipping platform transfer trailer

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East Manufacturing says its Genesis tipping platform transfer trailer increases the ability to quickly and efficiently top-load a transfer trailer. The company says the Genesis sidewall design eliminates the need for a center bar or pipe that has traditionally bridged the sidewalls, or a midsection across the top.

To avoid damage to the cross-pipe when top-loading a trailer, an equipment operator is forced to load at the front and the back of the trailer, creating two uneven mounds of material; a center bar decreases loading efficiency by effectively splitting the trailer loading zone in two, making packing a challenge. Without a crossbar in the way, Genesis tipping platform transfer trailers can be loaded faster, cleaner and more efficiently, according to the company, and a more even distribution of the load allows operators to improve load densities.

The Genesis tipper’s advanced design – extruded sidewall panels, floor-to-wall junction and heavy-duty top rail – combine to add the extra strength needed to keep wall flexing to a minimum, the company says; this eliminates the need for a wall-supporting cross-pipe that’s an easy target for loading damage, or the need to add extra material and weight to the sidewalls.

For more information, go to www.eastmfg.com.