Mack Trucks has announced that the company will again serve as a primary sponsor of the American Trucking Associations’ Share the Road program in 2007, marking its seventh consecutive year to do so.
Designed to enhance the safety of America’s roadways by teaching car drivers how to drive around large trucks safely, “Share the Road” reaches hundreds of U.S. cities and millions of motorists each year. As part of the safety initiative, a group of professional drivers with exemplary safety records conduct demonstrations for local media in cities throughout the country as a way to teach motorists about potential blind spots, safe following distances and truck stopping distances.
According to the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, car drivers inadvertently initiate up to 75 percent of all truck-involved auto fatalities, and the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration reported that 35 percent of such accidents occur in a truck’s blind spots.
Mack’s announcement was made at the American Trucking Associations Management Conference and Exhibition in Dallas.