Survey: 32% plan purchases of power equipment during 2Q

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According to the Q2 2007 CK Commercial Vehicle Research Fleet Sentiment inquiry, 32 percent of respondents plan to place orders for power units in the next three months. This is nearly identical to the 34 percent who planned purchases during the first quarter of 2007, the research firm said May 11.

In all, 31 for-hire and private fleets participated in the current survey, which was conducted during the third week of April, the research firm said. Complete survey results will be reported in the May-June issue of The Fleet Sentiment Report.

CK Commercial Vehicle Research distributes a questionnaire quarterly to fleet managers responsible for the purchase, spec’ing and maintenance of commercial vehicles. Regular contributors answer questions regarding their purchase plans for tractors and trailers. Best practice and opinions on industry issues also are covered.

CK Commercial Vehicle Research is a business of CK Marketing & Communications, located in Columbus, Ohio. For more information, go to