Bee Line calls its LC7000 tops in wheel alignment gauging

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Bee Line says its LC7000 Series laser-guided computerized wheel alignment gauging system for heavy-duty trucks has been refined from its previous models to make alignments easier, faster and more accurate.

New alignment heads features a sleek new look and new technology, according to the company: The internal electronics feature a color LCD screen that operates like a mini-monitor for the technician, and each screen in the Windows-based WindSpeed 7000 Alignment Software is displayed on the head and prompts the technician through an alignment, reducing the time needed to gauge alignment. Self-seeking lasers in the end of the tubes don’t have to be dialed in manually, Bee Line says; they automatically find the optimum position on the opposite tube. Lithium ion batteries are used to keep the heads charged for up to 10 hours.

The system’s cabinet is designed to look more attractive, operate more efficiently, be more stable and store in a smaller area, according to the company, and system calibration can be performed faster, at any time. The charging stations are more durable and store the heads in an upright position, Bee Line says; wheel mounts, floor plates and tandem targets can be stored on the exterior of the cabinet.

The new software is designed to assist beginners with pop-up reminders, extensive help screens and help videos; while more experienced technicians have the option to customize their workflow to fit their skill level. When alignments are complete, detailed before-and-after color documents are printed for the customer. Comprehensive database management options allow shops to save and recall any previous alignments.

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