Cummins reports progress toward meeting Tier 4 emissions standards

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Cummins Inc. on Friday, May 18, announced continued progress toward meeting the stringent 2011 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Tier 4 and European Union Stage IIIB emissions regulations. Development work now has moved from test cell research to equipment level systems integration by Cummins. Combustion simulation and prototype work began as early as 2005.

“Utilizing analysis-led design tools together with up to 100,000 test cell hours and 50,000 field test operating hours anticipated by program launch, we are confident in our ability to provide the best value integrated system to the off-road markets,” says Ric Kleine, vice president of off-highway business for Columbus, Ind.-based Cummins. “Cummins has invested significantly in a broad technology portfolio, which extends from air intake to exhaust aftertreatment, including high-pressure common rail fuel systems, controls and advanced turbocharging. This means we can fully integrate all the key subsystems more effectively.

EPA and EU emissions reductions in 2011 require the use of exhaust aftertreatment, and Cummins is evaluating alternatives to minimize the impact on installation complexity for the equipment manufacturers, Kleine says. “Because of our investment in all the critical technologies, we are able to leverage our vast experience in other markets where exhaust aftertreatment systems are already in production,” he says. “Our stable technology base enables Cummins to focus on achieving the lowest initial cost for the OEM, and on the lowest cost of operation for the equipment owner.”

Cummins says its particulate filter and selective catalytic reduction systems are proven aftertreatment technologies capable of meeting 2011 off-road emissions levels for engines above 100 hp (75 kW). Installation and operational aspects of these systems currently are being evaluated for off-road applications. By 2008, Cummins will be in a position to identify which of these systems offers the best value and performance proposition for construction equipment customers.

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By combining enhanced engine platforms with integrated aftertreatment systems, Cummins says its test cell research has achieved the 90 percent reduction in particulate matter and 45 percent reduction in NOx/HC (oxides of nitrogen/hydrocarbon) emissions required by the EPA across the 174 to 751 hp (130 to 560 kW) range taking effect 1/1/2011. A year later, the regulations extend down to 75 hp (56 kW) with the same PM reduction, though with less severe NOx emissions levels.

The 2011 EPA and EU off-road regulations replace engine-measured emissions with tailpipe-measured emissions as a single system. Cummins is working toward Tier 4 and Stage IIIB under the more rigorous conditions of the non-road transient composite (NRTC) test cycle required for regulatory compliance.