As of July 1, breaking the law in Indiana’s highway work zones will result in stiff fines and possible jail time. The new penalties were established by House Bill 162 and signed into law May 22 by Gov. Mitch Daniels on May 22.
Under a new law, the first time a driver is cited for speeding in a work zone, they’ll face a $300 fine. If the driver still doesn’t get the message to slow down, he’ll be fined $500 for a second offense and $1,000 for a third offense within three years.
Those who drive recklessly or aggressively through a work zone face fines up to $5,000. Drivers who injure or kill a highway worker may find themselves paying a $10,000 fine or serving up to eight years behind bars.
Fines will be used to fund additional work-zone patrols. In 2006, 14 people were killed and 636 injured in Indiana’s highway work zones.