O’Neil Product Development, Inc., manufacturer of The Most Reliable Portable Printers and a subsidiary of Dover Corporation, introduced the microFlash 4te wireless portable thermal printer, providing increased processing speeds, expanded wireless communications, and enhanced security options. The 4te is the enhanced evolution of O’Neil’s 4t printer, a portable thermal printer and for route accounting and field mobile printing applications.
The 4te gives the mobile worker their choice of 802.11b/g or Bluetooth wireless connectivity. To accommodate the need for faster transaction processing in the fast-paced world of field mobile applications, the 4te printer incorporates a new 32-bit RISC ARM 9 processor allowing the printer to process complex applications up to ten (10) times faster and enabling the user to enjoy high print throughput. Users can quickly determine the printer’s Bluetooth, charging, and power status with the 4te’s new external LEDs, and the new external charging capability enhances ease-of-use in the field. The 4te also includes an optional built-in magnetic stripe card reader allowing the easy processing of credit or debit card payments. Of critical importance, the ultra-rugged 4te offers users the same reliable service as its predecessor, which has been heralded for its reliability record. After six (6) years in the field, an incredible 89.47% — nine (9) out of ten (10) — 4t’s have never seen a repair facility in the world’s most harsh and challenging mobile applications, the company says.
The 4te produces quality direct thermal receipts and invoices for route accounting, direct store delivery, field service, logistics, home delivery and pre-sale systems. It prints up to 2,240 six-inch (6″) receipts on a single battery charge with automated power-saving sleep and wake-up modes. The 4te prints 80-column condensed font receipts, logos, graphics, and international character sets on lined or linerless media, with 4 MB of Flash and 2 MB of RAM.