GE Fleet Services adds tools to measure, track CO2 emissions

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In conjunction with GE Capital Solutions Fleet Services’ Environmental Performance solution, CO2 emissions tracking metrics have been added to my.DashboardSM, GE’s Web-based reporting and analytical tool. In addition, GE provides an annual customer review process.

A key component to reducing CO2 emissions is the ability to measure and track CO2 emitted by fleet vehicles. For customers of GE’s fuel program, my.DashboardSM is designed to track and trend the total fleet CO2 emitted, and the average emissions per vehicle, over the last two years and rolling 13 months. With so many companies focusing on improving the environmental performance of fleet operations, these metrics will provide customers with clear visibility to their fleet-generated CO2 emissions, according to Eden Prairie, Minn.-based GE Fleet Services; these metrics help support GE’s Environmental Performance solution.

Through my.DashboardSM, customers can trend CO2 emissions by vehicle type, model and organizational structure, the company says; an exception metric offers instant visibility to individual units that currently exceed CO2 emission guidelines, which default to Environmental Protection Agency standards or can be customized based on individual company fleet standards.

Environmental Performance metrics have been added to the annual review GE conducts with customers to help them understand their performance today, and identify opportunities to improve tomorrow. Like my.DashboardSM, CO2 emissions are displayed at the total fleet and average per-unit levels, year over year.

Environmental Performance is the first ecomagination-certified service offering within GE. It is available in the United States, Canada and Europe. GE’s comprehensive web-based management tool, my.DashboardSM, gives customers one place to access all their fleet’s information, metrics and data.

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