Advent Product Development describes its Truck Strap Commander as a simple two-handed crank for rewinding load straps used to secure cargo on flatbed trucks. The tool is designed to ease reeling of tie-down straps and facilitate easy rollup.
The TSC is an offset crank that is constructed from a 2 foot-by-5/8 inch plain, rounded, heated piece of steel. A copper sleeve, 3/4-inch in diameter and five inches in length, fits loosely over the shaft of the cranking handle, one for each hand. The copper sleeves are held in place close against the offset by locknuts, which abut them without restricting their rotary movement around the shaft. One end of the TSC provides a 11/2-inch lip, which reels the spool for the straps to wind upon.
Use of the TSC is simple and straightforward, the company says: Upon disposing of the load, the driver takes the TSC in both hands and then picks up the free end of the tie-down straps. For more information, go to