The American Trucking Associations has issued a guidance document for companies interested in either filing an affidavit with ATA’s motion, or communicating with their member of Congress or with the Department of Transportation, to fight the pending hours-of-service rule reversal.
On July 24, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia, in response to challenges from Public Citizen, issued its ruling with the intent of vacating the 11-hour driving and 34-hour weekly restart portions of the new HOS rules for procedural reasons. ATA feels these procedural issues may be correctable by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Adminstration in the future.
ATA is assessing the legal and other options to stay the decision and address the issue through future regulatory approaches. If alternative process is not obtained, the 11-hour driving and 34-hour weekly restart provisions of the rules will be vacated on or near Sept. 13.
A copy of the document is available by clicking here.