Truckers with Fred support Thompson

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Truckers with Fred is a new website dedicated to a Fred Thompson candidacy in the 2008 presidential campaign. “Truckers with Fred is exactly what it says,” says the website, “We are all truckers — drivers, owner-operators, mechanics, company owners and family.”

The website states that Trucking with Fred volunteers are not officially affiliated with Thompson’s “testing the waters” group, but want to see that he runs and wins. It pledges to post Thompson news and says donations made through the site will benefit the official “I’m With Fred” organization.

The website notes a trucking connection through Thompson’s wife, Jeri. Her grandfather, Howard Dahlsten, began Dahlsten Truck Line in 1946 with one truck. The Dahlsten family continues to own all corporate stock in the Nebraska-based dry bulk and package service.

Thompson — an actor, lawyer, lobbyist and former U.S. senator from Tennessee — has been popular with many Republicans for months as a presidential hopeful, though the “Law and Order” star has not officially entered the race, repeatedly saying he was merely “testing the waters.”

A Thompson aide reportedly confirmed last Thursday, Aug. 30, in a conference call with supporters that Thompson formally will announce his candidacy this Thursday, Sept. 6, according to The Washington Post and many other publications.