Stellar touts economical tire service body

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Stellar Industries says its 902 tire service body was created to give value-minded consumers a high-quality full-featured service body with the ability to mount on a less-expensive single rear-wheel chassis. Up until the 902 body was created, tire dealers would have to buy a dual rear-wheel chassis to mount their tire service body, and most of these chassis also were diesel, which increased their cost, according to Stellar.

With the 902 body, tire dealers can haul up to 10 truck tires in an aluminum service body, the company says. Stellar offers either a gas- or diesel-drive compressor mounted in the load bed and protected by a heavy-duty gate and lid, and two hose reels are available in the rear compartment, along with a filter and regulator. Each body comes equipped with a 1300-lb. liftgate and an array of work lights.

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