Those bringing home trophies and gold belt buckles weren’t the only winners at the 2007 National Truck Driving Championships. Thanks to the competitors, families, companies and spectators in the stands, the American Trucking Associations was able to successfully help the Minneapolis community.
The National Truck Driving Championships assisted the American Red Cross in collecting nearly 70 pints of blood from 86 attendees. America’s Road Team Captains drummed up support, helped with the collection and even gave blood themselves.
A donation drive to benefit America’s Second Harvest Heartland, the Minneapolis-based branch of a national network of food banks, was also a success. The fund-raising initiative that united ATA, the Minnesota Trucking Association, companies of competing drivers, driver participants and spectators raised $5,000 to feed the hungry in Minnesota. John Hausladen, Minnesota Trucking Association president and chief executive officer, and America’s Road Team Captain Chris Serviss delivered the check in a “Good stuff” truck along with additional nonperishable items for flood relief.
NTDC attendees also took the time to sign a banner in remembrance of the Interstate 35W bridge collapse. The banner hung just outside the competition hall, displaying the messages of drivers and families from across the nation. The banner was given to the Minnesota Trucking Association and will be presented later this month.
“The trucking industry is always looking to help those in need,” says Elisabeth Barna, ATA vice president. “I am thrilled that we were able to assist the Minneapolis community through our charity drives and also glad that we spent some time remembering those who lost their lives in the bridge collapse. This industry is about community and family, so I’m glad we were able to deliver life’s necessities to the state of Minnesota.”
The National Truck Driving Championships included nearly 400 top professional truck drivers from across the nation competing in Minneapolis Aug. 21-25. The NTDC annually attracts more than 2,000 cheering friends, family, colleagues and spectators. For more information, including a list of winners, visit the 2007 National Truck Driving Championships website,