The Office of Inspector General on Thursday, Sept. 12, identified nine top management challenges for the Department of Transportation for fiscal year 2008. In considering the items for this year’s list, OIG says it continued to focus on DOT’s key strategic goals to improve transportation safety, capacity and efficiency.
OIG’s report and DOT’s response will be incorporated into the department’s Performance and Accountability Report, as required by law. OIG says these issues will be presented in greater detail in the final report:
Continuing to enhance oversight to ensure the safety of an aging surface transportation infrastructure and to maximize the return on investments in highway and transit infrastructure projects;
Addressing long- and short-term challenges for operating, maintaining and modernizing the national airspace system;
Reaching consensus on the amounts and sources of revenue needed to support the highway trust fund in the next reauthorization;
Refining and implementing the national strategy to reduce congestion on America’s transportation system;
Improving the oversight of surface safety programs and strengthening enforcement to save lives;
Continuing to make a safe aviation system safer;
Strengthening the protection of information technology resources, including the critical air traffic control system;
Managing acquisition and contract operations more effectively to obtain quality goods and services at reasonable prices; and
Reforming intercity passenger rail.