U.S. Customs and Border Patrol implemented an online application for Free and Secure Trade cards through its Global Online Enrollment System. Drivers applying for U.S.-Mexico FAST cards must begin using the online application, as CBP no longer will accept paper applications. Online applications for U.S.-Canada FAST cards will begin in August. Members can find the online application at https://goes-app.cbp.dhs.gov/.
J.J. Keller & Associates Inc. is accepting applications for the 2008 KellerOnline Safety Professional of the Year. This year’s award will mark the seventh annual presentation of the SPOTY, which is sponsored by KellerOnline, an online safety management tool. Entrants must be registered users of KellerOnline. Nonsubscribers can register by signing up for a 30-day free no-obligation trial of the service at www.kelleronline.com; once registered, users can submit their entry using the online nomination form. Entries must be received by Oct. 31.
Wabash National Corp. announced that both of its manufacturing operations in Lafayette, Ind., were awarded a 2008 Occupational Excellence Achievement Award for Safety Excellence from the U.S. National Safety Council. The award recognizes outstanding safety records compared to similar organizations.
ATA Associates released “The Road Series 3 – Level 1 Vehicle Inspections,” a free 17-minute truck driver training DVD that covers the North American Standard Level 1 Inspection Procedure.
Celadon Trucking Services Inc. has been approved by the American Chemistry Council’s board of directors as the newest member of the ACC Responsible Care Partnership Program. The ACC’s Responsible Care Program is a mandatory commitment by its members and their supply chain partners to continually improve their environmental, health, safety and security performance. The Responsible Care Partnership Program was created to extend the program’s ethic beyond chemical product manufacturers to include companies responsible for chemical transportation, distribution, storage, use or treatment and disposal.
“This partnership with the ACC and its members creates value for our operations,” says Steve Russell, chairman and chief executive officer of Indianapolis-based Celadon. “The certification process will help ensure quality truckload movement for products shipped by the ACC’s 134 member companies.”
Responsible Care Partners adhere to the same requirements as ACC members. For example, all partner companies must apply the Responsible Care Management System to relevant portions of their operations; obtain independent third-party certification that the system has been fully implemented and functions according to professional standards; measure and publicly report performance; and implement the Responsible Care Security Code.
“It’s vitally important for us to have increased interaction, streamlined communication and improved dialogue on critical issues impacting the chemical industry,” Russell says.
Seatbelt use means money for states
Georgia, Nevada, Pennsylvania, Utah and West Virginia together received $66 million in federal grants for achieving seatbelt use rates above 85 percent in 2006 and 2007. Georgia will receive $20.7 million; Nevada, $5.5 million; Pennsylvania, $28.6 million; Utah, $6.1 million; and West Virginia, $5 million. The states are the first to receive Safety Belt Performance Grant funding from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration for reaching seatbelt use rates of 85 percent or above for two consecutive years. Each state must use at least $1 million of the funds awarded for behavioral highway safety activities such as alcohol countermeasures; occupant protection; and pedestrian, bicycle and motorcycle safety.
ATA honors Con-way Freight, Knight executive
The Security Council of the American Trucking Associations presented its Security Professional of the Year award to Richard Martin, corporate security director for Knight Transportation, and its Excellence in Security Award to Con-way Freight in Long Beach, Calif., May 1 at the Security Council’s 2008 Trucking Security & Law Enforcement Conference & Exhibition. These two ATA awards are presented to the individual and company best demonstrating their ability to design, implement and manage a successful security program that not only addresses traditional threats to personnel, truck and cargo, but also encompasses anti-terrorism and emergency preparedness programs. Qualcomm sponsors the Excellence Award.
Martin manages an extensive security program including employee screenings and training, cargo theft interdiction and investigations, as well as loss prevention and recovery. He oversees securing 31 terminals, 3,700 vehicles and 4,250 employees across 22 states. “Rick Martin’s success goes beyond curtailing cargo theft at Knight Transportation,” says Susan Chandler, executive director of ATA’s Security Council. “Through his active involvement in industry associations and cargo theft task forces, he has provided expert counsel to fellow security professionals and law enforcement throughout his career, which makes him the ideal candidate for this award.”
Con-way Freight was recognized for the breadth and effectiveness of its security plan that covers both traditional asset protection and innovative homeland security programs and training. “Con-way Freight led the way in examining, embracing and ably managing every available tool to better secure its employees, trucks and cargo,” says Jeanne Dumas, director of ATA’s Security Council. “Its efforts to advance security industrywide, nationwide and beyond make them a true leader in security among motor carriers.”
Both Con-way Freight and Martin will be recognized at ATA’s Management Conference and Exhibition Oct. 4-7 in New Orleans.
Preventable or not: Clearly, Doe wasn’t low enough
At the moment, trucker John Doe’s CB was blaring forth the echo-and-linear-amp-enhanced super-Southern voice of doubles driver Jimmy Ed “Gar” White, who was about three miles ahead. “Yessuh, Johnny, this here brand new rig has mor’ ‘en six hundred hawses