Dipetane Fuel Technology recently announced positive results for its diesel fuel additive following an SAE J1321 / TMC Type II Fuel Consumption Test conducted on a group of test and control vehicles by Claude Travis & Associates, an independent SAE testing firm for the trucking and shipping industry. The announcement was made recently at the New York City Parks Department Fleet Show to a national audience of fleet administrators.
“Dipetane Fuel Technology was shown conclusively to improve burn efficiency of petroleum fuels, with resultant improvement in fuel economy, horsepower, exhaust emission, elimination of carbon deposits and engine life,” says Robert Forenza, president of Dipetane Northeast. “When added to the fuel of a fleet of diesel trucks, they all benefited to varying degrees, depending on the age of the engine and other criteria.”
According to Dipetane, testing revealed that installation of Dipetane in the diesel fuel used to power the test vehicles demonstrated a significant and repeatable improvement in fuel economy, while also resulting in an increase in horsepower coupled with a marked reduction in “blow-by,” which contributes to increased engine miles-to-overhaul. Dipetane says that on three 2004 Cummins ISX engines, the average fuel economy gain was 3 percent; the horsepower gain was 13 hp; and the blow-by reduction was 32 percent. Forenza says the product performs significantly better on older engines.
For a copy of the Claude Travis & Associates report and test data, call Steven Gerszberg at 201-244-6600, ext. 104. For more information, go to www.dipetanenortheast.com.