Rair Technologies recently introduced a process for auditing drivers’ GPS history against drivers’ logs. The company says the Web-based solution allows it to check a driver’s record-of-duty status and immediately compare the log against the GPS polling history. According to Rair, it takes one experienced log auditor an average of four hours to manually audit 30 days of GPS history against the logs of a single driver, while its automated service can audit tens of thousands of GPS events against multiple drivers’ logs in four hours or less.
“We’re receiving numerous inquires about Rair’s automated process for verifying log accuracy with GPS,” says Dr. Henry M. Goldberg, president of the Milwaukee-based company. “Companies are trying to find ways to identify drivers with suspicious log activity. Many of these companies have subscribed to the new service.” Rair says the new process can identify problems within 24 hours of receipt of logs and notify the company of any suspicious activity. “We are comparing millions of data points against driver logs each month,” he says.
Rair says a carrier’s GPS history is imported into its system and checked against the driver’s logs for suspicious events such as no driving time on the log, no driving during the event, not enough driving time, speed violations and more; the carrier can access the reports and log images on Rair’s website, which allows the carrier to question the driver about the events, review each log and point out any inaccuracies. Rair says this solution allows a carrier to better educate their drivers about future expectations regarding the driver’s logs and also can serve as an alert for operational personnel.