The California Air Resources Board on Thursday, March 11, approved Electric Vehicles International’s (EVI) fully electric return-to-base medium- and heavy-duty trucks. EVI says CARB’s approval recognizes that its Freightliner Custom Chassis model EVI-WI and Daimler Freightliner M2 Model EVI-MD are clean, California-certified zero-emissions vehicles. The U.S. Department of Transportation-approved road-ready vehicles are optimized for delivery and other return-to-base applications, offering a sustainable solution for California’s fleet operators, EVI says.
“Having both the CARB and DOT approval, along with our state-of-the-art vertically integrated zero-emissions powertrain, truly sets EVI apart from the competition in the fully electric return-to-base application,” says Steve Riley, vice president of sales and marketing. “With this approval, our customers will be eligible for various state and federal rebates and incentives.”
CARB, through the Clean Vehicle Rebate Program, will be offering rebates of $20,000 per vehicle beginning mid-March 2010. These rebates, which can be combined with other incentives, will be available on a first-come basis, lower the upfront costs and accelerate the payback period for fleet operators and other customers.