Kinedyne has launched its second annual Kinedyne Cares College Scholarship Program, which in 2010 will provide a $2,500 award to one applicant each from the Virginia and Ohio state trucking associations. To enter, applicants must submit an entry form and write an essay, of 500 words or less, addressing the topic “How the trucking industry has had a positive impact on my life.”
To qualify, candidates must be members in good standing of the Virginia Trucking Association or Ohio Trucking Association. Applicants also may be directly related to a member of either association. In addition, candidates currently must be enrolled in, or in the process of registering to attend, a college or university. The submission deadline is May 31.
“All of us affiliated in any way with the trucking industry understand it will be some time before it recovers fully,” says James Klausmann II, the company’s executive vice president. “Families are faced with many financial hardships, not the least of which is funding a college education. We initiated this scholarship program last year as part of our Kinedyne Cares program, to help provide some assistance to deserving families within our industry. The program was very well received in its first year, and we’re excited to be in a position to continue supporting people associated with the trucking industry.”
The Kinedyne Cares initiative was launched in 2008 as part of the company’s ongoing effort to give back to the trucking industry and drivers employed in the transportation sector. An entry form is available online at