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CCJ Digital poll results

Are you likely to (or do you already) use electronic onboard recorders in your fleet operations? (318 votes)

No, not unless FMCSA mandates it — 180 57%

Yes, we already use EOBRs — 65 20%

Yes, we plan to adopt EOBRs voluntarily — 43 14%

Maybe — 30 9%

Sound off

“The EOBRs as a tool for those carriers deemed to be ‘severely’ noncompliant with the current HOS rules, based upon a first-time audit, would be a handicap to the small carriers and force them out of the marketplace due to the cost of the equipment, service and fees. The FMCSA needs to establish a broader definition of what constitutes ‘severity.’ ” – an online reader’s comment on in response to a news article on the industry seeking changes in EOBR specs

CCJ Webinars

Free, interactive online seminars for fleet executives. Register now at for:

CCJ Innovators: Spotlight on Safety Thursday, June 24, 3-4 pm ET

Industry safety leaders Roehl Transport and Bison Transport discuss recent successes with their innovative safety initiatives.

And check out our archive of past webinars available for replay at

• The Outlook for Trucking

• The Latest on California’s Regulations

• Working with Brokers

• Leveraging Shop Technology

• Managing Risk: Indemnity & Insurance

• FMCSA’s New Maximum Fines Policy

• Surviving the Recession

• Update on 2010 Engines

• The Future of Safety Oversight

• Fleet Strategies for Saving Fuel

• Avoiding the Dirty Dozen

• Going Green, Saving Green


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Ccu LogoCommercial Carrier University

Live workshops and written materials to help fleet executives manage their operations better. For more information, go to

Partner Insights
Information to advance your business from industry suppliers

Upcoming sessions include:

Truckload Carriers Association Refrigerated Division Annual Meeting, Sunriver, Ore.

July 21-23