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Sound off
Online reader comments on in response to a news article on potential legislation to regulate excessive detention:
• “Something that could be considered in determining free time is the length of the pickup and delivery. For instance, why should a carrier have to give two hours on each end of a 100-mile run? That is more hours than it takes to travel that distance. … Maybe the government does not need to be involved in supervising detention problems, but the carrier should not be at the mercy of brokers who just want their freight delivered and then renege on paying the carrier a just amount, if anything, for time spent and eating up drivers’ hours.”
• “I am in the steel-hauling business. Two-hour ‘free’ time should enable the shipper enough time to load. Mandatory detention time will provide additional pay for the driver who is being detained. Ask a mill worker to work additional hours ‘for free.’ Could any industry get their workers to do that?”
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Thursday, June 23, 3-4 p.m. ET
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