NACFE releases fuel management survey results

Updated Feb 21, 2012


At the Technology and Maintenance Council Spring Meeting in Tampa, Fla., the North American Council for Freight Efficiency announced the results of a seven-year study on fleet fuel economy management practices. NACFE is a nonprofit educational organization with a goal to share information in order to double the efficiency of the freight industry, helping fleets to run better and OEMs to anticipate market needs and develop products to meet those demands.

According the Mike Roeth, executive director, the newly released study highlights successful applications of new products and practices that provide fuel savings during real-world usage. It analyzed the adoption of 60 known technologies and practices available to fleets over the past eight years. Technology implementation experiences and best practices were identified and shared by these fleets in terms of how they manage their large fuel expenses and how they take advantage of opportunities to reduce them. The study also offers insights for others considering the adoption of these products and practices, and gives feedback to manufacturers on customer requirements and expectations for future products. The report found that these fleets were saving on average $4,400 per year or $22,000 over five years in fuel expenses.

Fleets can obtain a full report of the survey’s findings from NACFE for $795. Roeth said this package includes a full suvery report with data set that shows adoption curves for all technologies pursued by test fleets in the course of the study, as well as online follow-up courses and a one-time question-and-answer session with the NACFE study team to clarify survey results.

More information can be found at