An update was provided this week in the Department of Transportation’s semi-annual status report, which said that the EOBR rule would consist of four basic parts: (1) setting standards for the EOBR devices themselves, (2) the requirement that drivers use them, (3) requirements for other hours-of-service support documents and (4) measures to mitigate harassment of drivers by either carriers or enforcement officials.
The DOT also in its report gave an update on the drug and alcohol clearinghouse rule, which is scheduled to be proposed in a rule this month. The clearinghouse rule would establish a database of drivers who have either failed a drug or alcohol test or refused to take one. It would also require carriers to submit reports when a driver fails or refuses a test. The rule would also give carriers the option of checking the database when drivers apply with an applicant’s written consent.
Both the EOBR rule and the clearinghouse rule are required by the MAP-21 highway funding law passed last year.
Last in the DOT’s report regarding trucking regulations was an update on the driver-vehicle inspection reports. The agency wants to propose a rule rescinding the requirement that drivers who have found no vehicle defects during an inspection submit and keep record of said inspection. DOT expects a proposed rule in September.