The U.S. Supreme Court has refused the Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association’s request to hear its case against the federal cross-border trucking pilot program with Mexico.
Related: FMCSA wins both lawsuits brought against cross-border trucking program
The justices decided to not review OOIDA’s appeal at their Jan. 10 conference. In July, a federal appeals court rejected the association’s request for a rehearing of its ruling that allowed the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration to continue the program.
Meanwhile, agency officials have admitted Road Machinery as the 15th carrier in the program, and a decision to admit Transmex Inc. is pending.
The Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety had voiced concern over the two-truck, two-driver carrier’s safety record and the overall program. In a Dec. 16 response, Associate Administrator William Quade stated the carrier had sufficiently corrected its shortcomings to be admitted to the programid