The Federal Highway Administration continues to accept comment on its Comprehensive Truck Size and Weight Limits Study, which will be finished later than the mandate set by Congress.
The agency was required to report study findings to Congress by last month, as required under the 2012 MAP-21 surface transportation reauthorization. “Our commitment to a high quality report is more the reason that the report is expected to be completed in 2015,” a FHWA spokesman stated.
Last January was the deadline for submitting public comment on conducting the study. Since then, the agency has posted feedback received at, which can be accessed using docket identification number FHWA-2014-0035.
It has continued to accept comment on the project, but has not announced a submission deadline. The FHWA advises emailing comment to [email protected].
The American Trucking Associations supports an increase in size and weight limits. The Owner-Operator Independent Driver Association, however, opposes it.