The Truckload Carriers Association and partners Overdrive and Truckers News are seeking nominations for the 2017 Driver of the Year contests, which includes both an Owner-Operator of the Year award and a Company Driver of the Year award. Winners in both contests will receive $25,000 cash. The program is sponsored by Cummins and Love’s Travel Stops.
Nominations will be accepted until 5 p.m. Nov. 10. The winner will be announced at TCA’s annual convention March 25-28, in Kissimmee, Florida.
Nominations can be submitted at this link.
Company drivers must be nominated by the motor carriers that employ them, while owner operators may be nominated by themselves, spouses or by carriers they have been leased to for a period of three or more years.
Nominees must demonstrate a safe driving record with a minimum of one million consecutive accident-free miles, a strong work ethic, and a desire to improve their community and the image of the trucking industry. In addition to providing proof of operating information, work history, and safety record, nominees are asked to write a 300-word essay explaining why they are good “trucking citizens” and should be a candidate for the grand prize. Owner-operator nominees are also required to provide documentation such as equipment specifications, business plans and financial statements.
A panel of judges will select the three finalists for each contest, to be announced in January. Each of the six finalists will receive an all-expense-paid trip to attend TCA’s Annual Convention, scheduled for March 25-28, at the Gaylord Palms Resort in Kissimmee, Florida, where one grand prizewinner will be selected for each contest.