Dupré Logistics Strategic Capacity Solutions is moving its Fayetteville, Ark. facility to a new 3,000-square-foot building.
Dupré Logistics Strategic Capacity Services business group has a total of 10 branches. It began operating in Fayetteville in December 2017 with four employees and branch’s team has since grown to 13 members with plans to hire more on the horizon. In Northwest Arkansas, the Dupré branch handles freight transportation for large-scale companies and is one of the company’s top three branches.
“The NWA branch has contributed to the growth of our company since its opening. The new offices and facility will set the stage for that growth to continue,” said Mike Weindel, President of Dupré Logistics.
Weindel attributed the company’s success in Northwest Arkansas to the local team and its success in grabbing market share as online retail trends continue to change. The staff’s plan is to continue focusing on eCommerce freight, which requires a high level of understanding of this type of shipping.
“We staff the Fayetteville office 24 hours a day and have a team of people who know and understand eCommerce shippers,” said Randy Robles, Regional Operations Director for Dupré Logistics Strategic Capacity Solutions. “As eCommerce continues to grow and transportation becomes a big part of that business, customer service becomes even more important because of consumer expectations. With the need for constant tracking of freight, it takes an entire team, along with technology to make that happen.”