Trucking news and briefs for Thursday, May 14, 2020:
FMCSA extends coronavirus HOS exemption
The U.S. DOT’s Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration has extended its nationwide hours of service exemption for drivers hauling loads as part of COVID-19 relief. The declaration now runs through June 14, previously set to expire Thursday, May 15. The exemption applies to carriers and drivers providing direct assistance for the emergency. Loads under the exemption include:
- Medical supplies and equipment related to the testing, diagnosis and treatment of COVID-19.
- Supplies related to preventing the spread of coronavirus, like masks, gloves, hand sanitizer, soap and disinfectants.
- Food, paper products and other groceries for emergency restocking of distribution centers and stores.
- Precursor raw materials like paper, plastic or alcohol
- Equipment, supplies and persons meant to provide temporary housing and quarantine facilities.
- Personnel to provide medical or other emergency services.
- Liquefied gases used in refrigeration and cooling systems.