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  • Business conditions in September dropped decidedly from August – likely a reflection of increased inventories and softer freight volumes – down to 5.55 from 6.12. Respondents from fleets with more than 100 power units rated September a 5.61 (6.29 in August), compared to respondents from fleets with up to 100 power units which rated September a 5.42 (5.65 in August).
  • Correspondingly, only 21.2% of respondents said business was better in September than in August, while 49.4% said it was the same and 29.4% indicated it was worse. Respondents with more than 100 power units reported the least favorable month-over-month comparison with 32.2% saying September was worse than August. (Page 5)
  • Respondents are more optimistic about the near future. 31.8% of all respondents expect business conditions to be better in the next six months, adjusting for seasonality. However, that number is a sharp drop-off from last month’s survey (40.0%).
  • Overall, 29.4% of respondents plan to increase the size of their fleets in the next six months, including 33.9% of respondents with more than 100 power units and 19.2% of respondents with up to 100 power units. Only 3.5% of respondents indicated plans to decrease fleet size.
  • Freight volume (25.0 percent) continues its sharp upward trend in recent months as the second-biggest concern for respondents. Driver availability remains at the top of the list at 57.1 percent, but fell significantly from last month (66.7 percent).

Click here to download the full results of the September 2015 CCJ MarketPulse survey