LED Driving Light Install

Updated Sep 18, 2023

LED Driving Light Install

A custom look; Randy Ellis Design Sleekster and JW Speaker Driving Lights

Sometimes driving conditions can add up to a tougher-than-usual commute. Such was the case on a recent predawn drive down the Umpqua River to a jobsite three hours from town.

Even without this storm, the night time conditions on this highway run darker than dark during these long rainy winter months in a region that can see 200 inches of rain in a year.

Rain forest vegetation creates a tunnel for the two lane road that runs along the river deep inside the canyon walls.

Did I mention dark?

Since my brother and I both have fifty-something eyes with corresponding diminished night vision, we now have less time to react to road hazards, which can occur on this road when too much rain in too few days makes the canyon walls unstable enough to loosen huge tree root systems and some really big rocks.

A few years ago I rounded a corner to find a truck-sized boulder blocking an entire lane on this very stretch of road.

But this time things were different, much more in control, much more relaxed in spite of the storm.

This time our pickup was properly equipped with a Randy Ellis Design Sleekster Light Bar and a set of four JW Speaker Lights that were lighting up our rain forest tunnel like daylight.

We could see it all: center line, fog line, reflectors and storm-driven debris for hundreds of yards ahead. What a difference in improved safety while driving and in productive energy once on the jobsite.

The JW Speaker TS 3000R driving lights  are ideal for both commercial and personal applications. Designed with the latest LED technology , these lights are super bright, long lasting and rugged. 

The outside pair are driving beams with 60,000 max candela output and the inside pair are far-reaching pencil beams with 117,500 max candela illumination.

Driving beam is available in DOT-compliant and ECE-compliant configurations. Optional lens covers now available in amber, blue or clear.

Installation of the light bar was smooth and simple in large part because Randy Ellis designed and built this light bar for this model of truck. The fabrication was first rate and the powder coat finish flawless.

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Installation of the lights was easy for us because one of our co-owners is experienced in automotive wiring techniques.

Don’t worry if you don’t have an automotive electrician on staff. That’s what this ProPickup how-to is all about. Following these steps to install this combination of products can bring light and safety to your dark and stormy night.

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